

星が生まれる時〜A Star is Born〜



Do you ever look up at the night sky, and wonder about the stars? How many are there? Where do they come from? Why do they twinkle like that?


This month, students at the Innocence Plus Academy are learning the basics of astronomy. Using videos, online resources, prints, and crafts, they are finding the answers to these questions and so much more!

For example, here students are making charts about the life cycle of stars.


Advanced students are able to study alone at their own pace, and follow up on related questions or topics they are interested in. Other students work together as a group and share ideas and knowledge.



The finished star charts are colorful and very informative! It’s a good task for all ages. You’re never too young to reach for the stars!

出来上がった調査報告書はカラフルでたくさんの情報がつまったものになりました😊Good job!


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