仙台市内(長町校 上杉校 荒井校 青葉通一番町駅前校)ひと月4回の体験レッスン受付中

英語をそのまま理解する力を身に付けましょう!Part 2

Hi, everyone! It’s Caitlin!

Last week, I shared a few ideas on…

How to Think in English!

Today, I have a few more tips to help you stop translating what you want to say, and actually just say it!

Tip Four: Listen to as much content as you can, and READ OUT LOUD

Music ♬ is very important to me. I love listening to my iPod or going to concerts and festivals, and in university I used to go to karaoke once a week! It’s a great way to both learn vocabulary and practice speaking (singing). Other people enjoy movies, TV dramas, news programs, and radio shows. All of these teach us natural, fluent English. Find the media that’s best for you, and start listening to how native or experienced speakers communicate.

Another thing to do is practice reading out loud. When you study, silent reading is important because you can focus on the meaning. But if you want to be able to use the new vocabulary or grammar, you should read out loud (and repeat!). By doing that, you train your brain and muscles to produce natural language without having to make the sentences yourself.


Tip Five: Use an English – English dictionary

These days, I never leave the house without my smartphone. It has so many uses — but one of my favorite apps is the dictionary. No matter where I am, if I hear I new Japanese word, I can check the meaning in English immediately. How about you? Do you use a dictionary at home, work, or school?

If you want to break your translating habit, it’s time to stop using your dictionary! Or rather, you should stop using a Japanese-English dictionary. Get (or install on your phone) an English-English dictionary so you can start thinking about new words in English as soon as you learn them. It will also help increase your vocabulary.

One of my favorites is Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary Online because it’s so easy to understand. For example…

「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入



ボキャブラリーも飛躍的に増えますし、この習慣を続けることでいつの間にか英語で考える癖がつきます。Caitlinのおすすめは、Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary Onlineです。上の「cat」の例でも分かるように、分かりやすい英語で書かれています。

Tip Six: Use English synonyms or draw pictures in your notes instead of writing the Japanese definition

Since our goal is to think in English, we should stop translating new words in our notes, too! Instead, use synonyms or pictures to help you remember a new idea. If this is your first time to hear the phrase, “It’s a hassle!”, instead of writing めんどくさい in Japanese, you should write, “trouble, difficult, too much time, etc.” in English. Or draw a picture of yourself washing the dishes.

分からない単語が出てきた時、同意語や類義語、もしくは絵を書いて覚えてみましょう!例えば、「めんどくさい」の英訳は“It’s a hassle!”ですが、“trouble, difficult, too much time”等と書いて覚えましょう。もしくはお皿を洗っている絵など、自分がいつも面倒だと感じているものの絵を書いてもいいですね。

「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入

Tip Seven: Concentrate!

Learning how to think in another language is hard! It doesn’t happen in one day, one week, or even a month. When speaking with others in English, you need to focus on using only English in your head, and remind yourself again and again not to think in Japanese, French, Russian, etc. That’s OK! You can do it!


