仙台市内(長町校 上杉校 荒井校 青葉通一番町駅前校)ひと月4回の体験レッスン受付中

Vocabulary: put on ~ VS. wear ~|Caitlinの英会話レッスン

Hi, everyone! It’s Caitlin!

It’s flu season!


Recently, I’ve heard from a lot of students who caught influenza, or the flu. All across Japan and America, the flu is going around, and many schools and offices are empty. The flu is very contagious, which means that it spreads from person to person easily. So, how can we avoid catching it?


Last November, I went to the hospital and got a flu shot. It hurt a lot and my skin was itchy for a few days, but now it’s February and I haven’t gotten sick yet! Of course, the flu shot doesn’t always work. Some people get the shot, but they still catch the flu later on! Do you know anyone like that?


Another thing we often see in Japan is people with white masks over their noses and mouths. I understand people do this to avoid spreading or catching illnesses like a cold or the flu. In America and many other western countries, there is no such custom. Why do you think so?


Speaking of masks, I want to talk about two verbs today: put on and wear. Especially in this season, my Japanese friends often tell me, “You should put on a mask every day!” This is good advice, but not really natural English.

マスクと言えば、put on と wearについてお話したいと思います。この時期に、日本人の友逹がよく「毎日マスクを付けたほうがいいよ!」と言います。いいアドバイスですが、これは自然な英語ではありません。


That’s because put on is an action.

It means to place something on your body.

何故なら、put onというのは「着る」という動作を表すからです。

「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入


This woman is putting on a mask. You can see her hands are pulling the mask around her ears.

We can put on many things…
put onを使っていろいろな事が言えます。

「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入 「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入 「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入

Put on your shoes! Put on your coat! Put on your earrings!
靴を履く! コートを着る! イアリングを付ける!

「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入

Even…put on your makeup!


After something is on our body, then we use the verb wear.



It looks like a cloudy, cool day, so this man is wearing a sweater.

「英語を学ぶ」から「英語で学ぶ」レベルを目指す。アメリカ人女性がオーナーの英会話スクール。CLIL、Flipped Classroom(反転レッスン)を東北でいち早く導入


We also use wear to talk about our habits and daily life. For example, I always wear slippers in the house. I often wear glasses, and sometimes I wear contact lenses. But I almost never wear a mask!


Why and how often do you wear a mask?
