仙台市内(長町校 上杉校 荒井校 青葉通一番町駅前校)ひと月4回の体験レッスン受付中

Introducing Sendai…in English!|英語で仙台を紹介しましょう!

Hi everyone! It’s Caitlin!

Many people ask me, “Why did you come to Japan?”

One big reason is that I love Japanese culture and history. Over the years, I’ve visited many interesting places in Japan and had many unique experiences with local customs and people. Many foreigners never have a chance to visit Osorezan in Aomori, or eat homemade sukiyaki with Matsuzaka beef in Mie.

Nevertheless, the number of foreigner visitors to Japan is increasing every year, and Japan needs more tour guides and interpreters who can work closely with them. Talking about Japanese culture in English is not easy, but the relationships you can form with tourists and visitors are really rewarding.

Actually, I’ve spent a lot of time working with active guides in Sendai, and I’ve done some guide work myself! Last November, a reporter for the NHK Train Cruise program visited Tohoku, and he invited me to talk about Date Masamune and the history of Aoba Castle. On a cold, rainy day in November, Nelson Babin-Coy and I met outside the Aoba Castle gates and spent about an hour walking around the castle site, learning about the early days of Sendai. You can watch some of that video below!

If you are interested in learning how to teach Japanese culture and history to foreigners, stop by Innocence Plus Kōtōdai and let me know!